Hi! Here you will find a lot of useful information about our bot, commands lists, functionality, and much more.
Special qualities
Quickly respond to new bots with the AntiBot feature enabled.
Ban the bot with information about the invitation (Audit Log | Ban).
Whitelist of 300+ checked, verified bots.
Anticrash from server members with the AntiCrash function enabled.

VEGA ⦡ is an easy-to-use bot that can be restricted to channels with a single command: /channel {add | remove} {#channel | ID}
! Executes the commands specified in the list with the v!help
The bot is able to protect your server from crash only if the AntiBot feature is enabled!
Write the /antibot on
command and the bot will protect your server from unknown bots.
Only the Server owner can write the /antibot on
VEGA ⦡ - starts to ban newly invited bots on the server. The bot has a white list, and it will increase over time. Verified bots are checked, each command, functionality.
Bots are checked by the bot creator: NEVER See (ID: 351020816466575372)
Server protection from server members. You can find out more by clicking here.
Bot Features
⚙️ General functionality: The server owner can clear the data in the bot.
🧰 Moderation: Punish violators, give out mute, kick, ban.
🛡️ Antibot: Will save your server from crashing if the AntiBot feature is enabled!
⌨️ Commands: You can restrict the bot to work in certain channels.
Adding a bot to the server
VEGA ⦡ Bot: Add a bot to your server
Our website: Visit the bot's website
Last updated