
Hi! Here you will find a lot of useful information about our bot, commands lists, functionality, and much more.

Special qualities

  • Quickly respond to new bots with the AntiBot feature enabled.

  • Ban the bot with information about the invitation (Audit Log | Ban).

  • Whitelist of 300+ checked, verified bots.

  • Anticrash from server members with the AntiCrash function enabled.


VEGA ⦡ is an easy-to-use bot that can be restricted to channels with a single command: /channel {add | remove} {#channel | ID}! Executes the commands specified in the list with the v!help command.


The bot is able to protect your server from crash only if the AntiBot feature is enabled! Write the /antibot on command and the bot will protect your server from unknown bots.

VEGA ⦡ - starts to ban newly invited bots on the server. The bot has a white list, and it will increase over time. Verified bots are checked, each command, functionality. Bots are checked by the bot creator: NEVER See (ID: 351020816466575372)

White list of botsCalling commandsCommands


Server protection from server members. You can find out more by clicking here.

Bot Features

  • ⚙️ General functionality: The server owner can clear the data in the bot.

  • 🧰 Moderation: Punish violators, give out mute, kick, ban.

  • 🛡️ Antibot: Will save your server from crashing if the AntiBot feature is enabled!

  • ⌨️ Commands: You can restrict the bot to work in certain channels.

Adding a bot to the server

Last updated